
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and of the utmost importance. Broomfield school follows the procedures set out by the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and we adopt the North Yorkshire policy which is reviewed on an annual basis. We listen to our pupils and will act on things they tell us. All staff have safeguarding training and report any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Leads. At Broomfield we log concerns on CPOMS.  Occasionally we may have to contact external agencies. We will discuss this with parents first before a referral is made unless doing so would be detrimental to a child’s welfare.

If you have any concerns regarding any child at our school, please speak to a member of staff who will pass information to the Designated Safeguarding Leads below or speak to the Designated Safeguarding Leads directly.

Broomfield Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Fiona Sharp (Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Dave Simpson (Deputy Head)

Safeguarding Governor is Richard Shuttleworth


Safeguarding in School

Safeguarding in school covers many aspects such as:

  • Safe recruitment of staff ensuring they are appropriately vetted to work with children.
  • Staff are trained to ensure knowledge is up to date and they understand processes when concerns are raised.
  • The school environment is kept secure and safe for all children.
  • The curriculum ensures children are knowledgeable about keeping safe in different circumstances age appropriate.
  • Online Safety regularly being promoted so children can be safe when working with technology.

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Priorities

Key issues in North Yorkshire are Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines.

Child Criminal Exploitation is a type of child abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into any criminal activity. This can be:

  • In exchange for something the victim needs or wants
  • For the financial or other advantage of the perpetrator or facilitator
  • Through violence or the threat of violence.


County Lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas in the UK, using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of ‘deal line’. They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to move and store the drugs and money and they will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons.

To view the Department for Education ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’, please click here


North Yorkshire Safeguarding Partnership


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